Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates

The DAO lives!

This is the MVD - Minimum Viable Delegation.

Participating in token governance will require a time commitment. For this reason, we strongly encourage people claiming COLLAB airdrop (and possible future airdrops) to delegate the voting power of their tokens to a community member who has explicitly volunteered to play an active role in token governance. These volunteers are called delegates.

How to Delegate

Members must register to vote by delegating their COLLAB.

Delegation has begun with launch of the governor contract. DAO Members can delegate their tokens using the Origami platform interface.


  1. Navigate to Origami
  2. Agree to DAO Charter
  3. Mint DAO Pass (no smart contract wallets)
  4. Click Proposals on the left sidebar then click delegate
  5. Delegate COLLAB in origami, you can delegate to yourself or someone from the delegate list.

Understanding the Collaborative Vision and Co-op Charter

Delegation is a commitment to the Collab.Land Co-op. If you haven’t done so already, you should read and understand the Collaborative Vision and [Co-op Charter]) documents. The Collaborative Vision paints a picture for what the Collab.Land Co-op is attempting to do in the long-term. The Co-op Charter explains how, practically, we aim to bring this vision to life. Familiarizing yourself with these documents is crucial to being an effective delegate.

What it means to be a Delegate

Delegates are a critical part of the Collab.Land Co-op governance model. Without delegates we cannot effectively translate individual needs and wants into Collaborative action. Becoming a delegate is a commitment to engage actively in the governance of the Co-op for the benefit of the Co-op’s members.

Although the exact roles and asks of a delegate will likely change over time, delegates are expected to shoulder the following key responsibilities:

  1. Abide by all the expectations and processes outlined in the DAO Charter.

  2. Read, understand, and provide any necessary feedback on governance forum posts.

  3. Think critically and give input on governance experiments that will define the future of the Co-op.

  4. Explore new ways to improve the Collab.Land Co-op as a whole, whether by technical improvements, governance changes, or any other means.

  5. Understand Collab.Land network parameters and how these parameters can be tuned to ensure that the core Collab.Land network functions optimally for all network participants.

  6. Actively vote on governance proposals and explain the thinking behind each vote when helpful.

  7. Promote the Co-op’s cultural values by setting a positive example for the general public.

All DAO members must register to vote on Origami for their voting power to be counted in governance votes. You can register yourself as your delegate or delegate your voting power to another.

We will be transferring over to a delegate and metagovernance platform for delegation after this initial bootstrapping period. View the recommended delegates below and submit yourself as a Collab.Land DAO delegate if you want.


These are some members recommended as stewards of the Co-op but you are free to delegate to whomever you choose.

Nerd | Collab.Land team
ispeaknerd.eth = 0x3eEFAa9d6e2ab7972C1001D41C82BB4881389257
Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates - #7 by iSpeakNerd
Twitter social analysis |

James Young | Collab.Land team
jamesyoung.eth = 0x5bb3e1774923b75Ecb804E2559149BbD2a39A414
Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates - #12 by james

Anjali Young | Collab.Land team
damaderoca.eth = 0xEA1Bd5453E4007eE34b42bb1700a5bfc79642040
Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates - #14 by damaderoca

Scooby | Collab.Land Team
scoobydo.eth = 0x8e0CEB4Ab518ec7eFE33bbac766A02393E139383
Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates - #11 by Scooby

MemeBrains | DAO App developer
memebrains.eth = 0xf51c7e2C8f72DCdF40c6272729996976AEFaFAEB
Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates - #15 by MemeBrains

Abhishun | Collab.Team
abhish.eth = 0xAb8763B7321A78b4131324fb66031a7E95075FbF
Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates - #13 by abhishun

Noxe | community DAOist
Noxe🌊🏆.eth = 0x52b9783f1F955Ac10d50c7D4AB62d7F2288D6446
Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates - #8 by Noxe

Publishing your Commitment as a Delegate

Reply to this forum thread using the following template to submit yourself as a delegate for others. Please leave the prompts intact and answer on the same line.

For verification,

  1. post a tweet that links to your delegate post on discourse (after submitting your post)
  2. then edit your post here on discourse to link back to the tweet from (1)

Delegate template (c/p and fill out as a reply in this topic)


Delegate wallet address or ENS:

Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process:

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment:

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

My view on the Collaborative Vision:

My web3 interests:
Choose ≤ 5 topics from the following set. List them as comma-separated values as your answer, like: “A, B, C”.

Accessibility, Artificial Intelligence, Bridges, Cryptography, DAOs, Data and analytics, DeFi, Developer tools, Economics, Events, Environment, Gaming, Governance, Identity, Infrastructure, Legal, Messaging, Music, NFTs, Oracles, Privacy, Security, Social impact, Visual art, Wallets, Writing, Zero knowledge

Languages I speak and write:
Please choose from the ISO 639-1 list

My skills and areas of expertise: [optional]

My favorite Web3 projects: [optional]
List ≤ 3 projects

Other links or bio [optional]


Name/handle: Bankless DAOstewerds

Delegate wallet address or ENS: 0x9C12B2d3725cE24f8dba38eFC2ecb0357cCF34D9
Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

Our reasons for wanting to be a delegate: is one of the core infrastructures of BanklessDAO, the parent org of DAOstewards. being in the top 100 communities in terms of the number of members, we are positioned to be involved in the governance of This involvement helps to ensure the valued aligned partnerships for BanklessDAO with its service providers.

My view on the Collaborative Vision:
we believe that Collab Land DAO’s MVV reflects a thorough approach to greater collaboration within the web3 space and ensures that continues to operate as a credibly neutral tool for communities.

My web3 interests:
Choose ≤ 5 topics from the following set. List them as comma-separated values as your answer, like: “A, B, C”.

DAOs, Developer tools, Environment, Governance, NFTs, Privacy,

Languages we speak and write: AR, DE, EN, ES, HI, ML, NL.

My skills and areas of expertise:

DAO governance, Treasury management, Analytics, Tokenomics, and Community development.

My favorite Web3 projects:
List ≤ 3 projects:

  1. bDAO
  2. Aave

Other links or bio


@Baer.eth Multisigs are not yet able to mint DAO Pass directly through Origami, no. That feature has been requested of the Origami team already.

There is a workaround that we are building.

Smart contract wallets (SAFE) can hold COLLAB tokens and can call the delegate function directly from the governor smart contract on etherscan. This process is too technical to expect from most groups so @james is working on building a front-end interface for smart contract wallets to delegate their vote power to a representative EOA that holds a DAO Pass and votes on its behalf.

e.g. daostewards.eth might be an EOA that has vote power of the Bankless DAO treasury delegated to it and votes according to the will of the DAO (or is trusted to act on behalf of the DAO, that is up to y’all obv)

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  • Name/handle: minibossgrl

  • Delegate wallet address: minibossgrl.eth

  • Twitter link:

  • I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

  • I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

  • My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: as someone who is actively contributing to developing a safer web3 infrastructure I care about our collective ability to advance security, privacy, and usability in our space. Happy to contribute through the decentralized governance process.

  • My view on the** Collaborative Vision: Aligned with the vision of prioritizing safety of the system and communities and contributing to supporting the vision in a few different ways both via Collabland and other means.

  • My web3 interests:**

Accessibility, Developer tools, Privacy, Security.

  • Languages I speak and write: English, Russian

  • My skills and areas of expertise: discord security

  • My favorite Web3 projects: Good Knight Bot

  • Other links or bio

1 Like

Name/handle: iSpeakNerd

Delegate wallet address or ENS: ispeaknerd.eth == 0x3eEFAa9d6e2ab7972C1001D41C82BB4881389257

Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:
I represent nontechnical community and educational spirit. I want to help newcomers experience the growth and openness found in community-based contribution online.

My view on the Collaborative Vision:
I have said before how structured boundaries are needed in social spaces to allow people to take risks and truly grow. But that’s only part of it. Crypto provides a verifiable, open, neutral database on which to build trust, relationships, and digital networks of communities. I’m here to turn PvP into PvE with coordination games.

My web3 interests:

DAOs, Identity, Privacy, Security, Writing

Languages I speak and write:
Please choose from the ISO 639-1 list

  • en english, writing/speaking
  • es español - writing/speaking, pero no he practicado en unos meses

My skills and areas of expertise: [optional]

  • education, technical writing, coordination, operations

My favorite Web3 projects: [optional]
List ≤ 3 projects

Other links or bio


Name/handle: Noxe
Delegate wallet address or ENS: Noxe​:ocean::trophy:.eth, 0x52b9783f1F955Ac10d50c7D4AB62d7F2288D6446
Verification (Tweet link):
Twitter profile link:
I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes
I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes
My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I am keen to join the DAO as I am deeply passionate about improving community relations within and amongst DAOs. I see immense value in fostering a safe and diverse environment that embraces different perspectives and voices, and I am ready to take up the responsibility to contribute towards such an environment. I believe in the power of collaboration and the shared vision of creating a better internet for people, not just capital. I aim to help in this cause by actively involving myself in the decision-making process and facilitating effective collaboration among members.
8. My view on the Collaborative Vision: I am entirely in alignment with vision of improving the world through the creation of collaboration tools that empower self-governed communities. I strongly believe in the values of safety, collaboration, security, member focus, decentralization, data sovereignty, trustfulness, and responsibility that stands for. It is an exciting prospect to be part of a collective that is reshaping traditional forms of governance and decision-making, and I share the vision of creating a more inclusive, transparent, and collaborative future.
9. My web3 interests: Community, Collaboration, Security, Awareness, Governance
10. Languages I speak and write: English en, French fr
11. My skills and areas of expertise: Having been involved in the web3 space, I have developed skills in community building, collaboration techniques, digital security, and I am highly aware of the latest trends and advancements in this rapidly evolving sector.
12. My favorite Web3 projects: PoolTogether,, Zapper
13. Other links or bio: PoolTogether Merch Store - Welook Profile

1 Like

*Name/handle: Pharmagada

**Delegate wallet address or ENS: 0x558EBC8ebDe171b9a68ae3f745e2C8Eb1D4D61Fb

**Verification (Tweet link):

**Twitter profile link:

**I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

**I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

**My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I am an advocate for purposeful development, and desire to make a positive impact, being a delegate can provide a platform to bring about the changes in the right direction. By actively participating in decision-making processes, proposing innovative ideas, and championing causes, I can contribute to creating a better and safer future.

**My view is in alignment with the Collaborative Vision as it seeks to ensure a safe and secure space in DeFi where bad-actors are not able to take advantage of or exploit individuals or projects in the space. To create equal opportunities for the willing where geographical location is no barrier. I seek a space where we can have collaborative, inclusive and transparent governance and processes that affect all.(Collab.Land Mission, Vision, and Values):

**My web3 interests: security, DeFi, collaboration, governance, privacy

**Languages I speak and write:English en
**My skills and areas of expertise: My skills are in community building, collaboration techniques, conflict resolution and still learning.
**My favorite Web3 projects: Yashadao ,,, ZRO protocol

1 Like

Name/handle: Scooby

Delegate wallet address or ENS: TBC…

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: yes

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: yes

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: to offer an options for folks who view the world from a privacy centric lens

A note about social media: I feel strongly against the recent changes and charges introduced by both Reddit & Twitter and subsequently have stopped using their platforms, I plan to start using Lemmy once I have some spare cycles

My view on the Collaborative Vision: This really resonates with me, inclusion, privacy & trust are key focuses of mine.

My web3 interests:

  • Social Impact
  • Developer Tools
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • DeFi

Languages I speak and write:

  • English (native)
  • French (intermediate)
  • Chinese (beginner)

My skills and areas of expertise:

  • Software Engineering
  • Cloud Engineering

My favorite Web3 projects:

  • Collab.Land
1 Like

Name/handle: James Young

Delegate wallet address or ENS: jamesyoung.eth

Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: :+1:

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: :+1:

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: help shape the future of progressive decentralized governance

My view on the Collaborative Vision: I support these views and believe they balance progressive decentralization of the Collab.Land DAO while pushing forward mainstream adoption.

My web3 interests: AI, Identity, Developer tools, Social Impact, Governance

Languages I speak and write: en


Delegate wallet address or ENS: abhish.eth

Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: To help share the passion for community building, collaboration, advocating for decentralization and innovation in the DAO

My view on the Collaborative Vision: I support these views and believe they balance progressive decentralization of the Collab.Land DAO while pushing forward mainstream adoption.

My web3 interests: Identity & Reputation, Privacy, Governance, Social Impact, AI

Languages I speak and write: en


Anjali Young, Damaderoca

Delegate wallet address or ENS:

Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Y

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Y

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: With deep roots in the Collab.Land ecosystem since 2021, I bring to the table a profound understanding of the DAO space, coupled with a hands-on approach to community support. I have established myself as a leader known for making thoughtful decisions and providing strategic guidance, built on the foundations of visibility, experience, and community-centric values. My commitment lies in driving our DAO forward, navigating the complexities of the crypto world with an informed and collaborative approach.

My view on the Collaborative Vision: I’m steadfastly dedicated to empowering web3 communities, both now and in the future. With an emphasis on inclusivity and accessibility, I am aligned with the principles that define and elevate our communities.

My web3 interests:
Choose ≤ 5 topics from the following set. List them as comma-separated values as your answer, like: “A, B, C”.

Accessibility, Identity, NFTs, Privacy, Social impact

Languages I speak and write: English
Please choose from the ISO 639-1 list

My skills and areas of expertise: [optional]

My favorite Web3 projects: [optional]
List ≤ 3 projects PizzaDAO, World of Women, Doodles, ThankYouX, Aslan Ruby, Rug Radio - HUGE fan of everyone from our short docs on

Other links or bio [optional]

Anjali Young is the Co-Founder and CCO of Abridged Inc, and a DAO Officer for Collab.Land. Anjali has a 30+ year history with online communities as a creator, member, and in leadership. In addition to her interest in community and web3 onboarding, she has a passion for NFTs and the artists who create them.

Her role at Collab.Land focuses on onboarding all types of tokenized projects and partners onto the platform, ensuring Collab.Land’s “community of communities” is a safe and welcoming space, and educating others about web3 ethos and values.


I was interviewed on ImpactDAOs podcast this week and went on a few interesting rants about the DAO ecosystem, trends and paths forward:

I hosted this Twitter Space on the BanklessDAO account recently with some major DAO Thought-Leaders:

I produce and host the CityDAO Podcast:


awesome, glad to have you with us!

Do you have emojis in your ens?


edit: discourse be trollin me :rofl:


Yes! I don’t know why it was showing correctly on preview.
Preview :

Name/handle: Ekene Eze

Delegate wallet address or ENS: kennyio.eth

Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I have been actively working in the Collab.Land community and helping shepherd the developer community as we continue to grow and establish partnerships. I intend to extend my passion for the Collab.Land community to the DAO and help in any way possible to grow and collaborate with other delegates to make decisions in the best interest of our shared values.

My view on the Collaborative Vision: Having been part of the creation of the direction and vision of the DAO, I believe in aligning my personal values to that of every effort and community I participate in. I think we have clear collaborative vision, i’ve endorsed it, and I’m looking forward to helping us get there.

My web3 interests:
Choose ≤ 5 topics from the following set. List them as comma-separated values as your answer, like: “A, B, C”. AI, Developer Tools, Identity, Writing, Events

Accessibility, Artificial Intelligence, Bridges, Cryptography, DAOs, Data and analytics, DeFi, Developer tools, Economics, Events, Environment, Gaming, Governance, Identity, Infrastructure, Legal, Messaging, Music, NFTs, Oracles, Privacy, Security, Social impact, Visual art, Wallets, Writing, Zero knowledge

Languages I speak and write: English en
Please choose from the ISO 639-1 list

My skills and areas of expertise: [optional] Developer Tools and Advocacy

My favorite Web3 projects: [optional]
List ≤ 3 projects

Other links or bio [optional]


Name/handle: Ayohtunde

Delegate wallet address or ENS: 0xbA8D6600F02CD4Abd93eC63Eb99463a18aC75004

Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

As a DAO enthusiast and contributor, I want to help continue and achieve the collaborative vision of the CollabLand DAO.

My view on the Collaborative Vision:

No doubt security is a top priority in the web3 space, be it NFTs, DeFi, crypto, etc. Looking at the everyday discord hacks, it’s a Wild Wide West which is hard to onboard web2 users to the space, and CollabLand is doing this in a community-based method through collaboration.

My web3 interests:

DAOs, Governance, NFTs, Social Impact, Writing

Languages I speak and write:
Please choose from the ISO 639-1 list

English (read and write)

My skills and areas of expertise: [optional]

  • UI/UX Design
  • UI Prototyping
  • Community moderator/manager
  • Brainstorming

My favorite Web3 projects: [optional]
List ≤ 3 projects

  • Optimism
  • Layer2DAO
  • Galxe

Other links or bio [optional]

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Would be nice to have a space for this on Origami
It’s really not digests to read commitments here!

I don’t understand what you mean, but agreed, wish Origami had a better delegates section

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