Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates

Name/handle: Ayohtunde

Delegate wallet address or ENS: 0xbA8D6600F02CD4Abd93eC63Eb99463a18aC75004

Verification (Tweet link):

Twitter profile link:

I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

As a DAO enthusiast and contributor, I want to help continue and achieve the collaborative vision of the CollabLand DAO.

My view on the Collaborative Vision:

No doubt security is a top priority in the web3 space, be it NFTs, DeFi, crypto, etc. Looking at the everyday discord hacks, it’s a Wild Wide West which is hard to onboard web2 users to the space, and CollabLand is doing this in a community-based method through collaboration.

My web3 interests:

DAOs, Governance, NFTs, Social Impact, Writing

Languages I speak and write:
Please choose from the ISO 639-1 list

English (read and write)

My skills and areas of expertise: [optional]

  • UI/UX Design
  • UI Prototyping
  • Community moderator/manager
  • Brainstorming

My favorite Web3 projects: [optional]
List ≀ 3 projects

  • Optimism
  • Layer2DAO
  • Galxe

Other links or bio [optional]

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