Approve Mission Vision and Values? [final]

Proposal to approve Mision Vision and Values. Previous version


Season 1 Orientation:

Proposed Journey: Officially approve Mission Vision Values of the Co-op

Baseline grant amount: 1 COLLAB

Funding for this proposal is strictly for signaling, this proposal will have negligible monetary impact.

% of total available Orientation Budget:

Fellowship name: N/A

Fellowship Lead: @iSpeakNerd

Contact info: ispeaknerd | Twitter | Linktree

Optimism L2 recipient address: 0x3eEFAa9d6e2ab7972C1001D41C82BB4881389257

Please list the members of your Fellowship and link to any previous work: Collab.Land Mission, Vision, and Values

Please explain how this Journey will help further the above Orientation: Agreement on values of the organization is very important to get bring everyone together and rally around what we agree upon as a decentralized organization.

What makes your Fellowship well-suited to execute this Journey? We have been working with community input since March 2023.

Please list the critical milestone(s) that should be tracked to determine if you should receive your grant in one year: N/A

How should token delegates measure progress along this Journey:

How should DAO Pass holders measure impact upon completion of this Journey?

Breakdown of Journey budget request:

I confirm that my grant will be subject to clawback for failure to execute on critical milestones: [Yes/No] N/A

I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies: Yes

I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the WHO?? to receive this grant: [Yes/No]: N/A

I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here: [Yes/No]: N/A

Approve the following text as the Mission, Vision, and Values of the Collab.Land Co-op?

Mission :compass:

Collab.Land is empowering web3 communities with privacy-preserving identity and collaboration tools to build pro-social systems and create a better internet for people, not capital.

Vision :telescope:

To improve the world by building collaboration tools that empower self-governed communities within the Collab.Land network and beyond.

Values :purple_heart:

:shield: Safety

We create an environment where everyone feels safe to be themselves free from hate, we believe diversity creates stronger societies, and we seek out and include diverse voices in building consensus. Our community should be open and welcoming to all people who wish to participate constructively; differences in knowledge, resources, geography, language, and life experience should be seen as opportunities to learn and to grow the community.

:handshake: Collaboration

We believe in creating the future we want to see. Our community operates with a cooperative, build-together mentality, including diverse voices as we build together.

:lock: Security

We are security minded; the safety of the system and communities should be weighed heavily when considering changes to Collab.Land.

:adult: Member-Focused

We empower positive sum relationships to build an open ecosystem where all Collab.Land members benefit together through their collaborations.

:globe_with_meridians: Decentralization

We believe that by decentralizing network governance we create aligned incentives that make for a safer social graph and ultimately a stronger civil society. We strive to produce, promote, and protect self-governed communities and social networks.

:female_detective: Data Sovereignty

We believe member data should be used transparently and only after gaining explicit consent.

:heavy_check_mark: Trustfulness

We engineer trust out of technical systems, but we recognize trust is still often required for human interactions. We deliver transparent results to build trust, we seek trust to build relationships, and we use relationships to build our communities.

:balance_scale: Responsibility

We believe Collab.Land should be built and operated with a focus on the medium to long term. Decisions about technology, economics, and resource allocation should not value short-term optimization over the longer-term health and thriving of the Collab.Land network, technology and community. We prioritize long-term benefits in decision-making, internalize social costs, and build towards a sustainable future.

Approve the above Mission Vision and Values?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain
0 voters