Season 1 Orientation:
- community
Proposed Journey: Please include a one line description (tl;dr)
- Activate selected Collab.Land discord community members to work together to create AI-generated memes and drive activity and attention to @collab_land_ on twitter.
Baseline grant amount:
- 0 requested funds
% of total available Orientation Budget:
- N/A as no funds are requested
Fellowship name:
Fellowship Lead:
Contact info:
- Gabriel on telegram
on discord
Optimism L2 recipient address:
- N/A as no funds are requested
Please list the members of your Fellowship and link to any previous work:
- @iSpeakNerd, Collab.Land educator, community builder, and operations officer
Please explain how this Journey will help further the above Orientation:
What makes your Fellowship well-suited to execute this Journey?
Please list the critical milestone(s) that should be tracked to determine if you should receive your grant in one year: Critical milestone(s) demonstrates the proposal has been executed (a clawback is possible for failure to execute on critical milestones)
How should token delegates measure progress along this Journey:
- Benchmark Milestone 1 (please include expected completion date for each)
- Benchmark Milestone 2 (please include expected completion date for each)
How should DAO Pass holders measure impact upon completion of this Journey?
- KPI 1
- KPI 2
Breakdown of Journey budget request:
- no budget requested
I confirm that my grant will be subject to clawback for failure to execute on critical milestones:
- N/A as no funds are requested
I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies: [Yes/No]
I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Collab.Land Co-op Board to receive this grant: [Yes/No]:
- N/A as no funds are requested
I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here: [Yes/No]:
- N/A as no funds are requested