Season 0 DAO Governance Delegates

*Name/handle: Pharmagada

**Delegate wallet address or ENS: 0x558EBC8ebDe171b9a68ae3f745e2C8Eb1D4D61Fb

**Verification (Tweet link):

**Twitter profile link:

**I have read and understood the Delegate Commitment Process: Yes

**I understand that becoming a delegate is a commitment: Yes

**My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I am an advocate for purposeful development, and desire to make a positive impact, being a delegate can provide a platform to bring about the changes in the right direction. By actively participating in decision-making processes, proposing innovative ideas, and championing causes, I can contribute to creating a better and safer future.

**My view is in alignment with the Collaborative Vision as it seeks to ensure a safe and secure space in DeFi where bad-actors are not able to take advantage of or exploit individuals or projects in the space. To create equal opportunities for the willing where geographical location is no barrier. I seek a space where we can have collaborative, inclusive and transparent governance and processes that affect all.(Collab.Land Mission, Vision, and Values):

**My web3 interests: security, DeFi, collaboration, governance, privacy

**Languages I speak and write:English en
**My skills and areas of expertise: My skills are in community building, collaboration techniques, conflict resolution and still learning.
**My favorite Web3 projects: Yashadao ,,, ZRO protocol

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